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 Pack 1320
                                          The Cub Scout Pack 1320 Web Site

Information Page
Neat Links
Scout Helps
May Pack Meeting
Upcoming Events
Recent Events 1320flag.gif (2330 bytes)


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      arrowhome.gif (1540 bytes)  Welcome to our Home Page!  arrowhome.gif (1540 bytes)
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All About Us.... 

Pack 1320 is located in McMurray, PA - in the South Hills of Pittsburgh.   We're chartered by the Trinity United Methodist Church which is located in front of our Scout Building at 530 Center Church Road.  Pack 1320.   We've got one Webelos den, one Bear den, two Wolf dens, and one Tiger den!

On our pages, you'll see some of what we do, as well as a brief schedule of what's going on.  If you've got some suggestions for us, drop us a line.   This is a new project, and we're open to getting some help!

Our Pack has seen great growth over the past year, and we're excited about the future.  We're always looking for a "few good boys", so if you have any interest, please don't hesitate to give us a call!  To reach us, call:

smallnew.gif (926 bytes)Well, we're back!  It's the start of a new scouting year, and we've already been busy.  So far, we've been Yachting (Raingutter Regatta), Rocketing, and Racing (Cubmobile Derby).  That's not to mention all of the fun we had at camps!  Stay tuned for more fun!  I'm currently working on the web site to update it.  You'll find new information pertaining to our schedule, but I'm working on the photo sections.

Cubmaster:  Bill Moshier
Webmaster:  Bill Herder
Postal address
Pack 1320, c/o Trinity United Methodist Church, 530 Center Church Road, McMurray, PA 15317

We look forward to hearing from you! 
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Last modified: September 30, 1999 by Bill Herder using an IBM Compatible and Frontpage 98