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 May Pack Meeting
                                          The Cub Scout Pack 1320 Web Site

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Well, the May Pack Meeting was a huge success!  Thanks to all of the parents and friends who helped things roll along smoothly.  Below, you'll find thumbnails of just some of the pictures from the Pack Meeting.  Just click on them to enlarge them.  Anyone who would like a copy of all of the photo's found on these pages, and more, on a CD should email Bill Herder

mayflag2.jpg (206031 bytes) The last opening ceremony before the Tigers become Wolves maytiger22.JPG (173831 bytes) Another prospective Wolf crosses the bridge with his family
maysong2.jpg (193877 bytes) Bill Moshier tricks the leaders into singing the theme from "Gilligans Island" newwolf3.jpg (211128 bytes) The new Wolves and their families are "sworn in"
maytiger25.JPG (207022 bytes) Our Tigers get their popcorn patches just before becoming new Wolves maywolf1.jpg (175439 bytes) Here's a handsome Wolf about to become a Bear, with his family crossing the bridge
maytiger26.JPG (212246 bytes) maywolf4.jpg (175504 bytes) A new Bear gets his Blue neckerchief
wolf1.jpg (201848 bytes) The "Old" Wolf Den stands ready to receive their Arrow Points, Athletic badges, and other awards maybear5.jpg (182976 bytes) The brand new Webelo gets his new Neckerchief from our Cubmaster
bearpop.jpg (203242 bytes) The "Old" Bear Den gets their popcorn awards! maybear7.jpg (164817 bytes) Here's a new Webelo crossing the bridge with his family!
mattperfect.JPG (199695 bytes) Wow!  Perfect attendance!  Great job Matt! maybear6.jpg (163270 bytes) The Cubmaster (and Webelo Den Leader), the Pack Committee Chairman, and a new Webelo!
bear1.jpg (203818 bytes) The "Old" Bear Den receives their Arrow Points and other awards.   mayflower1.JPG (184885 bytes) The Cubs get ready to present flowers to their Moms!  Thanks, Sean!
maytiger23.JPG (197437 bytes) Crossing the Bridge to the Wolf Den wolfgift3.JPG (161075 bytes) The "Old" Wolf Den presents a gift to their first Den Leader, now the Cubmaster and Webelo Leader
maytiger5.JPG (205399 bytes) A Tiger becomes a Wolf mayclose5.JPG (154969 bytes) Well, it's time for the closing.  Where did those knots come from!?


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Last modified: May 12, 1999 by Bill Herder using an IBM Compatible and Frontpage 98