cub_scouts_wte.gif (8835 bytes)Home Up Pack 1320usaWHT_rd30.gif (9389 bytes)

 Pool Party!
                                          The Cub Scout Pack 1320 Web Site

1320flag.gif (2330 bytes)

p6150026.jpg (204397 bytes) Whoa!  A flying Webelos Scout!
p6150027.jpg (202081 bytes) JAWS with Goggles!
p6150031.jpg (203250 bytes) Bears on the attack!
p6150038.jpg (203043 bytes) Bears attacking their Den Leader
p6150040.jpg (199725 bytes) A Bear protects his prize


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Last modified: October 01, 1999 by Bill Herder using an IBM Compatible and Frontpage 98